January 11
World thank you day.
Many times you had that good feeling because someone said thanks to you. Many times, you felt more powerful, more determinated, you felt ready to help and to do much more, just because you received a simple “thank you”.
Thanking is part of these small words that bring energy. A simple thank you can fuel people engine and push them to do very big things that you did not even imagine. A small thank you can make people act for you, for the family, for the organization, for the community, and others. A small thank you can make people do things that the biggest amount of money cannot pay them for.
If a thank you did not exist we would need much more money to pay for many little things, and this would quickly empty your pockets. There is another important thing that I bellieve: if you are a professional and you are getting remunerated for a service, if the client just give the money and does not acompany it with a warm thank you; there is an high percentage that you just lost a client and even five other clients.
World thank you day, great moment, great opportunity to thank your friends just for being your friends, thank your parents for their love and presence, thank your teachers, your neighboors, thank people for their supports or else. And you know what? The positive effect will be felt quickly.
Positives side effects of a thank you are endless, repetitive, and rechargeable. A thank you can also be seen as a good old wine. A thank you works and can be used at anytime.
– You can say thank you immediately for something or a service you received; and it will work
– You can say thank you many days after you have forgotten to say thanks; it will still work
– You can say thank you for something that you refused to say thanks for, after months or years; it will work
– You can say thank you for something you have already said thanks for; it will work again and even better with more power than when you said it previously.
A simple thank you can push people to do more for you. A simple thank you can influence for much more performance at a professional or operational environment
Let’s do this exercice today, which will help you to observe, live and apreciate the power of a “thank you”. After reading this post; call, text or go to someone or some peple and say thanks to him, her or them, for something you have already thanked them for. Than feel free to share about everyone feelings.
Francklin Pierre